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This project is inspired by the abilities of illanoi in League of Legends. 

In traditional tentacle rig driven by FK ctrls, it's hard to create special motions like swing, twist and roll. However, these effects can be efficiently created by procedural pipeline. That's why I developed this tool to quickly generate a full rig based on ribbon, MASH distribution and procedural deformers.

The UI is based on QT designer and Pyside, it has three main areas: Guide Curve setting, FK setting and Ribbon deormer setting.

After generating the curve, the user can edit the shape of the NURB curve by referring the model. Then, based on the joint count assigned, the tool will generate a joint chain with FK ctrls.

The roll module will calculate and set the rotation value of each ctrl, while user edit the roll parameter created, The tentacle curls gradually starting from the tip.

The ripple module uses MASH distribution node to create a joint scale effect from the chain's start to the end.

With the procedurally created ribbon and deformers, the tentacle can swing along sine curve, or twist along the main axis.  

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